News & Rambling

News & Rambling

Theme song to One Magical Hour, A Matthew & Shafer Podcast Spectacular

Listening to the One Magical Hour Podcast on SpotifyBefore production began on his new Austin, Texas based podcast, Shafer Hall, one of the two hosts of One Magical Hour: A Matthew & Shafer Podcast Spectacular asked me to provide him with a theme song. As I turned the title over in my head, Matthew & Shafer set sail on their podcasting adventure.

By the time I was ready to work on the theme, Matthew and Shafer had just released Episode 19. It was clear that I had work to do. I donned my headphones, opened Garage Band, and put my favorite Harold Lloyd movie on the television with the sound turned down.

I started with the beat, then added some whistling, synthesizers, and vocals. My first version clocked in at over six minutes. Over the next two days, I was able to edit this down to a three minute version, which makes its debut at the end of Episode 21.

One Magical Hour Episode 21

A shorter version of theme opens and closes Episode 22. And then opens all subsequent episodes beginning with Episode 25.

Episode 22 of One Magical Hour, A Matthew & Shafer Podcast Spectacular

You can catch up on all the adventures of Matthew & Shafer over at

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Copyright 2014 Alex Battles.